Today we want to ask for HELP to the amazing open source community.🚨

As you may know (or not), some wallet apps take a lot of time to load, Peach being one of them. This is something we cannot directly solve, as the problem comes directly from the BDK library @bitcoindevkit .

The guys developing it are absolute beasts, but as everyone in this space, their time and resources are not infinite.

We'd like to call any open source dev (better if he/she knows RUST) who would like to contribute to this problem that's affecting many different Bitcoin wallets in the space.

If we cannot make apps that are usable for the general public, we will never reach to a broader audience.

This is not just about Peach, but about Bitcoin adoption and development.

So please, if you know someone who has some RUST knowledge, and would like to contribute to this amazing Open Source project, BDK, send us a DM📩

Share this tweet to reach a broader audience please, we'll really appreciate it.🙏