New payment methods added for your peer2peer trades: 🇪🇸 Spain ➡️Rebellion (username) 🇮🇹 Italy ➡️ PostePay (postpay number) 🇨🇭 Switzerland 🇸🇪 Sweden 🇮🇸 Iceland ➡️ national bank transfers! 🇨🇴Colombia ➡️ bancolombia account number fixed 🇳🇬 Nigeria ➡️ Klassen, Accrue, Wire
🗓️ 📳 October 4th, 8am UTC, mark your agenda for a peachy design review call with @BitcoinDesign!!! OPEN to all! Give us your insights and ideas! let’s CO-CREATE together for
Company by definition means registration to the fiat system. Bitcoin projects with 0 fiat interaction/bank account/registration are really bitcoin native. Companies are here atm to bridge the 2
peer2peer You CAN build on 🍑! It’s out there, you CAN use it 🫶 have fun creating new tools! #peer2peer #bitcoin #matchmaking…
bitcoin Yooo! Public API is available for you guys to build cool stuffs on a peer2peer #bitcoin exchange. GOOO 🚀…
bitcoin Peach #bitcoin wallet and account model: You own the encrypted json file and the seed phrase of your Peach #bitcoin wallet. Your reputation score is linked to your PeachID, which
GM🫡 Today we want to ask for HELP to the amazing open source community.🚨 As you may know (or not), some wallet apps take a lot of time to load,
Before or after, in any case you have to put it! So rather make the trade efficient and let the seller knows that you already did the pain of entering
bitcoin Peach #bitcoin 0.3 is out!!! Use the ref code OPENSOURCE to create an account and get one free buy trade + sats back when selling!…